The Fuel Media and Marketing Blog

Why Audit your company’s Media activity?

Why Audit your company’s Media activity?

By: Oli Orchard
Published on: 16/08/2024

A media performance audit verifies competitive delivery, contractual compliance, and trust in agency relationships, especially crucial in today's digital-dominated, complex media landscape. Read on to learn more!

Blog Posts
The Trouble with Pools

The Trouble with Pools

By: Oli Orchard
Published on: 25/04/2024

The trouble with media auditing pools is that when they get too deep, you run the risk of drowning. Produced in collaboration with RAUS Global and AMI+ Partners

Blog Posts
Inventory Media – What have Clients got to fear?

Inventory Media – What have Clients got to fear?

By: Oli Orchard
Published on: 26/03/2024

There has been much written recently about Inventory Media, and how it has assumed a significant position in client media choices. Nick Manning, of Encyclomedia, recently laid out the facts and reached well drawn conclusions that participating clients should know.

Blog Posts
Premium Media – Are shiny placements always relevant?

Premium Media – Are shiny placements always relevant?

By: Oli Orchard
Published on: 11/01/2024

What is Premium Media? Most observers in the media world would settle on the general descriptor Premium Media implies Higher-Quality Inventory than is generally bought. The definition of high-quality is critical for advertisers. After all, Premium leads to cost implications.

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